Monday, November 16, 2015

Interesting Use of Music

Music and Bollywood movie, why yes they have the best music and let's not forget about the scenes and the use of color. I recently watched this film, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo at Marcus Theater in Madison, last Thursday. I just found out that they air Bollywood movies there. My sister lives there so every chance I get to take a trip to see her, my night has to end with a Bollywood film. This film stars my favorite actor whom I have been watching ever since a young girl and have a huge crush on, Salman Khan. In the film he plays Prem who is an actor and narrator of classical plays. He falls in love with a Sonam Kapoor who plays the princess Rajkumari. It was love at first sight. She came to passed out free food and clothes to the people in his village. From there he collects money from his plays to put in a money jug to give to her charity. When his money jug was filled he decided to look for her so he can personally give it to her and that's when this music was played. In the film it was just him and is friend at the market but because this is a music video they included some other scenes from the movie. So basically this song is talking about him wanting to meet her and wanting to give her all the things that he can. It talks about how beautiful she is. It's pretty much a song of a man who is in love and wanting the best in life for her. 

This is a great film! I highly recommend it to any one who loves a great twist. The ending is very satisfying, so for all those who hates cliff hanger you won't be left hanging, trust me! When I said twist I mean it. The film like many other Bollywood film are long but this one I didn't notice how long it was because I was sitting on the end of my seat the whole time. Crying from laughter and wiping a couple tears from sadness. I watch a lot of Bollywood film and for a long time they haven't made any film this good. I was satisfied walking out of the theater last Thursday. Don't just take my words for it, go watch it!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are watching Bollywood films! They are really great. Mimi
